Sunday, January 25, 2015

Last figure go figure

This is the last figure drawing on my drawing book. I really like the expression that his eyes brought to the scene. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Aliens and heads

Here are some studies I had to do for my figure drawing class. The upper one is on the subject of aliens, and it's a weapon used by humans against aliens when they get out of control. 
This next one is just a proportion study I made on the male body. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Final Assignment ~ 3D Graphics

So this is the last week of classes for my prereqs to the Animation program at BYU. This particular assignment was a generalized pain in the butt. So many things that were so difficult to attain, and so many things that were still not done, but, in the end, I felt very proud of myself after closing this assignment and reopening a couple of hours later with fresh eyes. I video called my 3 year-old nephew today and I showed him my bug. I said I was naming it after him, and he said "No. ***** is MY name, and that's it." Sassy little brat. Now my bug is nameless.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Bouncing Snitch

And also here is another assignment for my intro to 2D animation. We were supposed to make a ball bounce, and something else afterwards. I had fun with it, and my teacher dug it. "Too badit doesn't help your grade" he said.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Layout Assignment ~ Pre-Animation

This was my first layout assignment done. I wanted to get a mixture of old-school Asian little town and Brazilian slum. Originally, there was only a ninja, but then, my teacher threw a moon behind him and made the whole difference. Got me an A